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Who can join?

Anyone can join, who wants to participate and contribute to this wiki. There are lots of interesting things that waits for your contribution - for example overclocking, undervoltaking, benchmarking, trying out different video drivers and tweaking Vista and XP for maximum performance. Also, if you are a [native English speaking] person with excellent grammar and writing skills, there are some work to improve articles' grammar and writing style.

You need first to register at and apply for this wiki membership below, so that we can keep this wiki in high quality and prevent spamming etc. You do not need to be a specialist or native English speaking person, but an enthusiastic attitude and organized writing style is highly appreciated.

Writing style should be compact and easy to understood. Each "recipe" or article should fulfill following basic requirements:

  • Article should have a purpose and a focus
  • Artice should be clear and easy to understood
  • Article should be valuable to an average Asus G1S owner
  • Results need to be reproducible

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